September 1, 2024
Educational Portal of the Americas
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Site Search

Knowledge for All

In an effort to expand the services offered to its users, the Educational Portal of the Americas has created a database containing information on institutions and programs that develop and deliver content on subjects related to the education and development of societies.

The term “content” includes a great variety of materials that can provide information and knowledge in a specific thematic area through different on-line resources and tools. These materials can be used by managers of community learning centers (telecenters) , or educational institutions, in search of relevant content.

Additionally, this database offers useful information for teachers, students, researchers and the general public who are interested in obtaining information and knowledge in specific areas and using on-line resources and tools that have been developed and delivered by prestigious institutions.

In order to facilitate the search and use of this content, this database has been classified into the following areas:
  • Reference Tools and Software
  • E-documents and Virtual Libraries
  • Virtual Activities
  • Related Sites
Also, the content offered by these institutions was classified into the following thematic areas: health, agriculture and rural development, community development, local content creation, continuing education, primary and secondary education, and small and medium enterprises. Also, the search includes all the countries from Latin America and the Caribbean, including Canada, the United States and Spain, as well as the four official languages of the OAS: Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. The results of each search will include the name of the institution or program, the link to its site and a brief description about its work.

By using the search options of this database, one will be able to conduct a search of the large world of information and knowledge, and combine the type of resource with the thematic area of interest, including the country where the content was created and the language in which it has been created.

Tipo de Recurso:
Área de interés:
Español English Português Français

This database is not attempting to label or evaluate the work of any institution or program within any specific area. The selection of the type of resources and the thematic areas were based on information drawn by research conducted on the Internet.

If you wish to recommend the site of any institution and/or program, please send an email to:
[email protected]