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General Discussions
The topic of “the Use of Information and Communication Technology for the Development of Human Capital” has held a central place in our thoughts and actions. Therefore, we consider it necessary to think about what kinds of communication take place in these processes and how they transform the organizations that implement them. We invite you to share with us and with other Portal’s users your opinions, doubts and suggestions through this communication and meeting space.

Monday, January 9, 2017 2:15 PM
Toward a New Americas Consensus to Reduce Poverty
On November 19, 2003, Inter-American organizations in Washington, the IACD, the development arm of the OAS, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Pan American Health Organization convened a meeting of experts to review advances in combating poverty and the significant challenges confronting Latin American and the Caribbean. What follows is a distillation of the recommendations of that expert group as well as an open dialogue. With this dialogue we invite further participation by the attendees at the meeting as well as open it up to regional experts that were unable to attend. By doing this, we look to further strengthen the proposed recommendations for a sustainable battle to overcome poverty in the Americas.
Conclusion Document English
Conclusion Document Spanish

Following are the compiled notes from the meeting. These notes are the opinions and statements by the panelists and have not been modified by the participating organizations. Summaries are in both Spanish and English, since the panels were given the option to conduct discussion in either language.
Summary Panel Notes

"The views expressed in the summary documents do not necessarily represent those of the organizing institutions, and the views expressed in the summary panel notes are those of the participating panelists and do not necessarily represent those of the organizing institutions."
Saturday, February 9, 2008 5:01 PM

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